
New Details: There Are at Least 15 Active NIH Grants Paying for Transgender Animal Experiments

White Coat Waste, an organization aimed at stopping cruel and wasteful taxpayer-funded vivisection, has identified 15 active National Institutes of Health grants paying for transgender animal experiments, amounting to a total taxpayer cost of over $26 million.

Many of these transgender animal grants were coded in the NIH’s “Sexual and Gender Minorities” category — a category routinely used to route diversity equity and inclusion grants — which accounted for approximately $373 million of spending in 2023.

One experiment at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, cost Uncle Sam $668,250 — a sum well spent while studying whether mice receiving so-called”gender-affirming hormone therapy” responded well to treatments for kidney failure.

At the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, $2,587,605 has been spent since 2019 turning mice transgender to study testosterone treatment on “reproductive phenotype and function and determine the reversibility of these effects following cessation” of the hormone.

In Oregon, $9,738,868 has been spent at Health & Science University to “expand and improve knowledge of the developmental and neurobiological determinants of sexual partner preferences/orientation using domestic sheep as the experimental model.” The goal was to turn rams gay by controlling testosterone secretion by the fetal testes.

The researchers claim this test is of public interest because “Fetal development is a time when critical neuroanatomical and physiological components of the reproductive system are established and determine the sexual phenotype and reproductive health of the adult individual. The proposed studies will illuminate essential hormonal, neural and cellular mechanisms that activate the fetal reproductive axis, and will contribute to our understanding of underpinnings of brain sexual differentiation, especially in relation to sexual partner preferences.”

At Duke University, mice were given sex changes through hormones and surgery to study “HIV vaccine-induced immune responses.” This testing has cost taxpayers $455,120.

The public health relevance statement for this testing states, “In transgender individuals undergoing gender-affirming hormone therapy, it is unclear to 1what extent hormone treatment impacts immune responsiveness to vaccination. To understand the effects of feminizing sex hormone therapy on vaccination, we propose to develop a mouse model of gender-affirming hormone therapy, assess its relevance to human medicine through singe-cell transcriptome studies, and test the immune responses of “cis” vs. “trans” mice to a HIV vaccine.”

The University of Mississippi Medical Center received $65,948 for a grant titled “Cross-Sex Steroid Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk in the Transgender Female,” which used rats that were given sex changes.

The researchers wrote:

“Aim 1 will test the hypothesis that the shift in the hormonal milieu in gender affirming hormone therapy in a rodent model of the transfemale rat is associated with increased end organ damage and cardiovascular risk that is further exacerbated with preexisting chronic disease. Aim 2 will test the hypothesis that increased end organ damage and cardiovascular risk in transgender females that undergo gender affirming hormone therapy involves an estradiol induced “male sex-specific” effect on the renin angiotensin system.”

Over at Harvard, a grant titled “Life history of the menstruating uterus” claimed that it was necessary to transition mice because “understanding endometrial regeneration has important clinical implications, as excessive or insufficient endometrial regeneration gives rise to pathologies that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of women, non-binary people, and transgender men around the world.”

Additional transgender animal tests include $442,444 spent at Brigham and Women’s Hospital to study “Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone-Mediated Sex Differences in Wound Healing;” $2,121,052 at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor on a grant for “Dissection of the mechanisms underlying sex-influenced cardiovascular disease;” another $1,858,506 at Van Andel Research Institute on a grant to examine “The roles of genetics, hormones, and gender in sexually dimorphic immune response;” $299,940 to  the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for a study on “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes;” $735,113 at Emory University to research “Microbiome mediated effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy in mice;” taxpayers shelled out $1,229,330 to the University of California, San Diego, for a grant to study “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis;” and the Unive1rsity of the Pacific received $1,155,503 for a grant titled “GHB Toxicokinetics: Role of sex hormone-dependent monocarboxylate transporter regulation and potential for altered overdose risk in transgender men and women.”

A $3,148,325 grant was awarded to Indiana University researchers to study “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma.”

The grant summary states, “Our studies will be the first to characterize estrogen-mediated mechanisms of inflammation in asthma phenotypes in the male and female lung, contributing to the characterization of sex- and gender-specific factors accounting for inter-individual differences, as well as the effects of feminizing hormone therapy in lung pathobiology.”

Johns Hopkins University scientists were given $48,974 to understand “how chromosomal makeup and cross-sex hormone administration affect wound healing in mice.”

In all, NIH has wasted an estimated $245,000,000 on transgender animal experiments.

Taxpayer funded transgender lab experiments were the subject of a fiery hearing in Congress on Wednesday, during which White Coat Waste Vice President Justin Goodman testified.


You can’t make this stuff up…pic.twitter.com/kBkRk1h0bY

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) February 6, 2025

During his testimony, it was revealed that $240 million has been spent by the NIH on transgender animal experiments.

While little of definitive use has been gleaned from these tens of millions invested into the gender identity of caged rodents forcibly injected with hormones, one clear winner in the rat race has emerged in the form of the researchers and institutions that have siphoned fortunes from the government coffers.

Over $10 million was collectively awarded to UPENN, the University of Michigan, Rutgers University, and Princeton to study whether translational models — that’s where animals are used as a stand-in for human research — could help transcend the “cultural” barriers to hormone therapy (presumably because a male and female mouse look the same).

As DEI grant recipients, Boston University and Rutgers University respectively garnered their institutions $17.5 million and $58 million to foster an inclusive environment for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and promote translational animal research in their fields.

WATCH: @JustinRGoodman tells Rep. Eli Crane at least $241 million in taxpayer money has been spent on “transgender animal testing.”

“In a lot of these cases, they involve mice, rats, monkeys, who are being surgically mutilated and subjected to hormone therapies to mimic female… pic.twitter.com/h2fHLgVjuE

— Off The Press (@OffThePress1) February 7, 2025

As Goodman told Congress, “Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay billions of dollars every year for outdated, cruel, and potentially dangerous animal experiments. Especially when most Americans are opposed to this.”

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