
SHOCK POLL: Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Men Soars to 42 Percent

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with attendees at the 2023 Turning Point Action Conference at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. (Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr)

President Trump’s approval rating among black men has climbed to 42 percent, according to new polling from Cygnal.

This should make Democrats wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. Trump won the White House with less support than that from black voters in November. He is going up in their estimation, despite everything that Democrats and the media are trying to use against him.

Democrats have had an ongoing problem with male voters. This polling shows that their problem is not improving, it’s getting worse.

Paul Bedard writes at The Gazette:

‘Black men love Trump’ dooms Democrats with 42% support: Poll

President Donald Trump has Democrats on the ropes with his surging support from African Americans, prompting a poll to declare that “black men love Trump.”

In a new Cygnal survey shared with Secrets, Trump has a shocking 42% approval rating from black men, a massive edge over any past Republican president.

Brock McCleary, Cygnal vice president of polling, told Secrets, “Forty-two percent of black men approving of Trump’s job so far is no small thing. Unlike Democrats’ approach previously, this isn’t about placation or offering new attractive policies with no follow-through. His popularity and approval surges because he does the things he says he’ll do — and that’s a breath of fresh air for everyone.”

McCleary, who polled for Trump in 2016 and Vivek Ramaswamy last year, added, “In the pre-Trump era, these numbers for a Republican would be aspirational rather than realistic. In the thicket of this new Trump era, these gains among black Americans are noteworthy and certainly beyond a threshold of statistical normality. It boils down to follow-through, which is the most elusive of traits for politicians.”

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air commented on this poll:

This should actually worry Democrats most. Americans love the idea of optimism and “Morning in America,” and have thirsted for it for years. Democrats keep centering their message on how awful/racist/misogynist/Nazifasciststinkybottom America and Americans are, and voters are exhausted by it. They want real leadership to return America to positions of strength and to provide hope for the future, not proclaim a century of malaise and perpetual atonement for sins of the past.

The idea of America First has nothing to do with race, in fact it transcends race. For years now, Democrats have been putting all of their eggs in the race basket, culminating in their embrace of DEI policies. It turns out that was toxic and more Americans of every color are happier with Trump’s vision of success for all Americans, regardless of color.

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