


Trinity Shockley (Morgan County Sheriff’s Office)

An 18-year-old Indiana high school student, Trinity J. Shockley, was arrested on Wednesday after an FBI tip linked her to a planned school shooting at Mooresville High School.

Shockley, who identifies as transgender and also goes by the name “Jamie,” idolized Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz and had been meticulously planning the attack for over a year.

According to a court document obtained by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI alerted the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department on February 11, 2025, about a potential threat.

A tipster reported that a transgender high school senior named “Jamie” had been planning a shooting for over a year, had access to an AR-15, and had recently purchased a bulletproof vest.

The suspect allegedly idolized notorious mass shooters, including Nikolas Cruz, the perpetrator of the 2018 Parkland school massacre.

The FBI quickly launched an emergency preservation request on social media accounts linked to Shockley, identifying disturbing conversations on Snapchat and Discord.

Messages obtained from the chat logs revealed explicit plans for a “Parkland part two” attack and the intent to kill a close friend before targeting the school.

According to the court document:

The following messages between a “Jamie” and a “TCC Mama” were provided with the tip to the FBI from a chat application called Discord:

01/12/2025 18:29
Jamie: Yeah. I’ll be honest. I’m close to shooting mine up. I have an AR-15.
TCC Mama: Dman OMD that’s so cool!! But wait, do you have a solid plan??
Jamie: Parkland part two. Of course. I’ve been planning this for a YEAR. TCC Mama: You don’t plan on killing yourself right??
Jamie: No.
TCC Mama: Okay good Your secret is safe with me bro. Kids are awful And if you do carry it out good luck.

On February 7th 2025, Jamie has a conversation with someone called “Sasha” on Discord:
Jamie sends a link with a photo of ten Magpul AR15 magazines to Sasha and also says “I’m also buying a bulletproof vest”.

February 7th 2025 16:25
Jamie: I’m taking – with me.
TCC Marna: —
Jamie: My boy best friend.
TCC Marna: I dont mean to sound really dumb but what do you mean youre doing it?
Jamie: The shooting.
TCC Marna: Ah okay and you’re still doing the 14th?
Jamie: Yeah
TCC Marna: So is he going to be joining you in the shooting or do you plan on killing him too?
Jamie: I’m shooting him.
TCC Marna: And yourself?
amie: No.

On February 12, officers executed a search warrant at Shockley’s residence, where they seized multiple electronic devices, a collection of writings glorifying mass killers, and a bulletproof vest.

Inside the suspect’s bedroom, investigators found walls covered with images of mass shooters, including Cruz, Dylan Roof, and Andrew Blaze.

Investigators also discovered multiple journals in which Shockley fantasized about violence, murder, and suicide. The suspect reportedly struggled with bipolar disorder and unresolved trauma from bullying.

She had sought help from school counselors multiple times. However, reports indicate that her father refused to allow her access to professional mental health services.

Each notebook depicted swastikas, the words “kill”, “bang”, “I hate you all DIE DIE DIE” among other obscenities.

The following are excerpts from Trinity’s notebooks:


My name is Dex I am eighteen years old. Born on October 26th 2006. I currently live with my father, my mother passed away. I am aslo a transgender male. I have a lot of homicidal thoughts. In all honesty, I want to be just like Elliot Rodger. He is my main influencer along with Nikolas Cruz. These thoughts never seem to stop, you may believe that I am some edgelord, but in reality I am just a loser. I am grateful for my chance to live but in reality, I am scared of living. Is it the government you ask? No. It is this sad reality of living with piece of shits waste of life. I hope whoever reads this takes acknowledgment and maybe use it for your massacre. 🙂

I will be back to write again, xoxo Dex.


Why is it so depressing here? Why must I be so easy to target? I dont really focus on them as much but still bothers me how entitled people can be. I dont hate everyone here but majority of them are all a wast of life. Back in twenty twenty two I was relentlessly a victim of bullying. They would ask me stupid questions send me rape threats, threaten to hurt me. I hate all of them so much but at the same, I like some.

Part two of taoday, Tuesday 17 2024. It is 1:54 PM So far today has been weird. SOmone had accused me of becmoing a school shooter. Ha! No, I almost was. I am committing what Elliot Rodger has done. A mass Shooting. A stabbing. Time will come. Sig Sauer, AR-15, automatic semi pistol is what Elliot Rodger used.

Hail Elliot Rodger!

Supreme Gentleman!

During a police interview, Shockley initially denied intentions of committing violence but later admitted she had considered an attack to “prove” her devotion to Cruz. She claimed she had changed her mind but acknowledged making detailed plans.

The suspect also revealed that an online acquaintance from Texas was initially supposed to assist in executing the plan but had ceased communication in recent days.

Shockley is currently being held at the Morgan County Jail without bail. She has been charged with the highest-level felony count of conspiracy to commit murder, and two low-level felony counts of intimidation with a threat to commit terrorism.

The post 18-Year-Old Transgender Arrested for Allegedly Plotting Valentine’s Day School Massacre Inspired by Parkland Shooting appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.